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Documentation Generation

ADORe provides tools to generate all of the documentation detailed in the documentation readme.

Usage: Documentation Generation

  1. cd to the adore documentation directory: bash cd adore/documentation
  2. Call the build target: bash make build

Usage: Serving local copy

You can build and serve the documentation locally by running the provide make serve target. Navigate to the documentation directory and run the following:

cd adore/documentation
make serve

Once built the documents will be available at http://localhost 🔗

ℹ️INFO: This will build and serve the documentation locally using a docker nginx image

Usage: Spell Checking

The documentation system uses aspell to "lint" the markdown files To do an interactive spell checking session use the provided make target:

make spellcheck

To non-interactively lint/spellcheck all markdown documents run:

make lint

The spell checker (aspell) and lint targets use a custom dictionary: .aspell.en.pws

Words can be added to the dictionary to provide exceptions by directly editing this file or by running an interactive spell checking session as explained previously.

Usage: Publication (to gh-pages)

Steps to publish documentation to gh-pages:

  1. Fork the ADORe repo to your personal GitHub

  2. Clone the repo locally

  3. Modify the publish.env file to specify an originating branch

    ℹ️INFO: You do not need to check out the branch you wish the documentation originate from. The source branch of the gh-pages/documentation is defined in publish.env

  4. Run the publication Make target:

make publish

This will push a branch called gh-pages containing only a docs folder to the origin remote

  1. Configure GitHub to use the branch as a "GitHub Pages" You have to enable gh-pages on the docs directory in order for the publication to be active. Visit<username/orginization>/adore/settings/pages to configure gh-pages.

  2. Optionally, create a pull/merge request to make this documentation active on the primary ADORe repo. Make sure to lint the markdown with make lint before submitting a pull/merge request.